Monday, November 2, 2009

Rings n Scarfs

Before you read this post of mine. I recommend you read through the vidvanuvishamam blog a few times. I know its tough, but doing that would make this more interesting for you.

One fine day, I was walking alone on the beach. I was thinking about all the things that had happened to me, how much the girls liked me, how I made those slides for GnN, how I made fun of Koley and Ghosh, how I helped people through my blog, my sincerity to the placement division, and all the respect that people had for me.

I very much enjoyed watching the foreigners walking around with no clothes on.
I now begin to sense stuff. Yes I can smell it.. yeah! Where is it coming from? I find out there was something gross stuck to the sole of my slippers. I use my little finger to clean it up and move on.

Suddenly, I was struck on the back of my head with something real heavy, which felt like a steel club. I turned around and found a short stout guy standing there. He wore short pink trousers and a tight tee shirt with flowers on it.
Its my intuition!!

I ask "yo man! ssup?"

He replies " nothin, just thought I'd give you a visit. You are totally cool and handsome, you are a ladies magnet and you've got an awesome blog."

Me - " I know that man! tell me something else."

Him - " See that girl over there? She is all yours man.. you are so cool man!"

Intuition disappears.

I turn to get a better look. The girl was pretty. Though I couldn't see her face properly from behind, I knew it looked innocent. I walked around to get a better view of the good stuff ( the face I mean). Yes, innocent they were. I guess she saw me looking, though she pretended she did not. She tried and kept her eyes glued to the sea. I knew it! Silly girls! They always expect me to take the first step. I decide to stand there and watch her for sometime.

Just then, a stray dog comes in the scene and begins to stroll around her. She feeds and caresses the dog. Yes! I really don't know how, but I was certain she knew I enacted dogs perfectly in limes. I knew she was wanting to tell me something. May be this was her, the one. I truly believed this is the person who is going to change my life forever. I decided to go ahead and talk to her. I did not want to waste the opportunity (considering I have a 100% hit rate). Perhaps this could lead to a dinner together or a meeting behind the shack later in the evening. So I go upto her and try to engage in a conversation.

Me - "Hey, you know how to get to BITS Pilani?"

Girl - " What?!"

Me - "BITS Pilani? You know how to get there?"

Girl - " Do I look like a fucking tour guide to you?"

She begins to shout like crazy and two guys come running from the other side of the beach. She told them she din't want me to talk any more. And then, I really don't have the slightest clue of what happened. I tried to tell them. But before I could spell a word, they stuffed my mouth with sand and some weird smelly stuff. They beat me up blue and black. She said he's over, but the guys would'nt stop. I wanted to tell her I could not live without her and how much I loved her.
After the guys were done, they walked away. Never looking back.

Till this day I have no clue what had happened then. I really wanted to explain to her how much I loved her, how much I cared for her, how much I wanted to do her. But I don't know why, I decide not to meet her ever in my life again. And since then, whenever I went to the beach I took my pink scarf (with blue flowers on it) to cover my face.

To the two wonderful brothers who din't even let me ask their names.

*Not a single word written here came from myself. Any resemblance to any other blog is purely intentional.